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Sok Khoong!
10 April! *BIG hint*
NYGH, class of 2008

Bowler of HCI
Member of 405′08

Macadamia nuts (!!!)

to stop being such a slacker -.-

Click to view my Personality Profile page

New Year Resolutions 2009

1. Study hard and do well for GP and Econs especially.

2. Average 150<

3. Read papers every single day.

4. Give people presents for birthdays and Christmas.

5. Study hard for Theory exam.

6. Practice lots for Practical exam.

7. Run every morning (since there's a track provided already ;D)

8. GOLD FOR NAPFA grrrr.

9. Be nicer. Much nicer.


ShoutMix chat widget

yuqi LOL I need more of 19's links!

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amanda t (sec3) baoxian hui shan lo yee lydia lynn l sally samantha k xin tong yee phon zihui l Others
colin daniel han sheng kelley kevan michelle l nicole samantha c subha victor wan ting yanyi yujun
peachgoat14.wordpress.com June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009
Bowling Daily ramblings Hilarious Kyushu 2008 Lai Weng (LOL) Random Rev-it-Up 09 Siew Ying Strange dreams Summing up the years Thoughts WCG Graz 2008

30 June 2008 - 23:11
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Nope, it's not emo. And not really thoughtful.


- 18:40
Wasp nest!
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3rd post today o.o

There's a wasp building its nest in our peg basket.
My ma's ultra fascinated by it and won't get rid of it. HAHAHAHA.

She took 5 photos of the nest.








- 17:56
Personal Statement!
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I borrowed my bolero already. Hohum.

AAAAH I need to write a personal statement! T.T

I'll have a really long time to do it, though. Next Monday's Youth Day holiday, leaving after that, till 17th July (Thursday), Friday's homelearning day, Monday after that is blocks, all the way till Thursday. I need a calendar here...

There. Marked in red and green.

I'm going to need help with my personal statement.


- 17:02
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Dudeeeeee. I'm freaking bored, stoned and sleepy.

Needs to study for tomorrow's chemistry quiz on electrolysis, but I doubt that would help me at all...

Ke Xin is really, really -.-
Can't find the word to describe her.

During math lesson she was pulling my outstretched arm and she asked me if I felt like a boat (well I was rocking sideways quite violently). Uyen was staring.
After about 10 seconds, she stopped and I stopped too. She tsk-ed me and insisted that I should continue moving because of the presence of inertia but I argued that inertia is for objects moving in a straight line. And so she said that I should be flying towards the classroom door, since I'm sitting right opposite the back door in an ulu corner of the classroom. Jessica (or Zi Yan) then said that by right, Ke Xin's arm (and thus Ke Xin) should be flying towards the door too, because of inertia.

Too much inertia drove Jessica a bit mad. Mr Chiang came over and she wanted to ask him a question, "Mr Chiang, inertia velocit-..."
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! -insert much crazed laughter-
"Initial velocity..."

Ke Xin and I laughed 'till no end please, HAHAHAHAHAH.

Cool man, Jessica. ;D

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29 June 2008 - 15:38
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Sister: 纸袋。
Brother: Paper bag.
Sister: 塑料袋。
Brother: Plastic bag.
Sister: 铁袋。
Brother: Metal bag (?).
Sister: 鞋带。
Me: Shoebag.
Brother: NO LAH! Shoelace!

We half expected him to say shoebag, lol. Not bad, quite smart ah :D

I completed my Written Assignmenttt! With the help of my dd. Now I shall attempt to study physics and attempt to complete Written Assignment 7. Sianness.

Oh I finished math worksheet 6.2 too :D I feel so smart. Did everything except for the second half of the challenge question. Whether or not I did the worksheet correctly is another matter altogether. I recopied it ok! And spotted a mistake O: But now my worksheet looks pretty and neat. Wheehoo.

Then again, CME presentation is....I don't know. Dead?

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28 June 2008 - 19:47
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My ma cooked curry for dinner. So we all had some curry with rice! (: She cooked some 药材汤 too. I had my curry and rice and soup after that. The soup seemed to be missing some sweet taste so I turned to my sister, "Eh, the soup like missing some taste leh."
She shrugged.
So I asked my mum, "Mama, you added sugar to the curry is it?"
Then my brother burst out laughing, "HAHAHAHAH ADD CURRY TO THE SOUP FOR WHAT! HAHAHAHAHAH!"
Yeah, he thought I asked my mum whether she added curry to the 药材汤 and was laughing so hard at the wrong thing -.- Best lor.
My sister ultimate. I was laughing at my brother for laughing at the wrong thing, and she just sat there stoning, "Huh, what's so funny?"

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- 18:27
Zi Yan?
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This was from Zi Yan's blog. It's so funny I have to post it here.

Oh, got this from Sok’s old blog.

Use the 1st letter of your name to answer each of the following questions. They have to be real places, names &/or objects, but nothing made up! Try to use different answers if the person you got this from has the same 1st initial. You CAN’T use your name for the boy/girl name question. And Have Fun With It!!!

(gosh, Z. =/)

1) 4 LETTER WORD: Zest? Hahaha.
2) BOY NAME: Zack (courtesy of Liau Tingo)
3) GIRL NAME: Zephenia (ditto above)
4) OCCUPATION: Zookeeper. Hahaha.
5) A COLOR: Zinnober. Courtesy of this, although dictionary.com doesn’t have it haha. Chrome green, supposedly.
6) SOMETHING YOU WEAR: Zara? No I don’t wear Zara.
7) BEVERAGE: Zapple
8) FOOD: Zebra? Oh, no. Uhm. Zucchini! Courtesy of this. Or, Zinger. You know, that burger. Zingiber: ginger.
11) REASON FOR BEING LATE: Zonked out from my hot date with homework.
12) SOMETHING YOU SHOUT: ZACOOM (courtesy of Liau Tingo too. I suggested that everyone shouts “Zi Yan I love you” ;D Ha.)

This site's really cool too (credits to Zi Yan a.k.a. Mogu for finding it, HAHA)!

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- 15:49
Homework -.-
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I've been packing my luggage and I have a feeling I'll be able to squeeze everything into the check-in one. I must find things to dump into the hand-carry luggage.

Don't feel like packing already, now must do homework. D:

Let's check out the new post-holiday homework list:
1. Written assignment 6
2. CME presentation
3. Math worksheet 6.2

Written assignment 6 is horrible.

A function f(x) is such that integrating f(x) from x=2 to x=4 w.r.t. x gives the answer 10. But what (the heck) is f(x)?

How the hell would I know ):


- 15:26
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Wonder what the blockquote thing is. Let's try it out.

Tadah! O.o

Hey, it's quite cute. :D


- 15:09
Concert Band's Concert!
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Nanyang Concert Band's having their concert on 4th August 2008 (Monday) as part of Limelight 2008. Tickets at $20, concession of $15 for students, NSF and senior citizens. 1930h at the Esplanade. I'm going, so you should go too. :D More information here.


27 June 2008 - 22:49
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C'mon buck up buck up. She give up doesn't mean we give up together. All the more we have to fight. We can do it you know. It's really a case of whether you want to or not. See, A1s have shown improvement! Good job A1s,, let's continue with this every practice from now then we can go show off in Graz we can 对得起自己 ok. Go go go. Hope until no hope also still must hope. The hope comes from you yourself and no one else. Hope, faith believe and all the other 类似的东西, we all must have. 我们绝对是可以的。


26 June 2008 - 23:42
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I was stuttering like crazy during chinese presentation today. Xie tian xie di it wasn't in front of the class. I dun like talking in front of an audience or making presentations. Stutter like crazy. English or chinese all same.

I have come to the conclusion that my spontaneousness totally cmi.


25 June 2008 - 20:07
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I realise I've been calling my sister the wrong thing for about a fifth of my life (assuming that I'll live to 75 years).
See I've been calling her 二姐 and my 小弟 has also been calling her 二姐, but I'm the oldest so it won't make sense for me to have an 二姐 right.

Well she's supposed to be my 二妹 if I really want to use the proper 称呼 but I've been using the wrong form of the proper 称呼 by calling her my 二姐, just like my 小弟.

It's his fault I tell you. He keeps calling her 二姐 so I just followed suit.

Nah, just kidding. I must remember that she's my 二妹 and not my 二姐, so I shall call her 二妹 from now :D

And me is the 大姐! x.x


- 16:28
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I realise I haven't really been studying. I'm going to Graz and blocks are right after I come back and I haven't gotten down to serious serious serious studying. Well done me. Of course I studied but I don't know if the stuff's really in my head. Especially physics. I totally give up on it -.-

Have I mentioned- I hate my hair. I want to cut it. NOW.

I'll probably do it in a few days.


24 June 2008 - 20:38
I hate lizards.
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Walaoeh early in the morning the first living thing I see simply has to be a lizard. The cold-blooded thing was on the floor right beside my foot near the sink and I never noticed it was there until I sat on the toilet bowl, because the ass made such a din crawling up onto the closed toilet door in an attempt to escape the toilet. Lizards love toilets I tell you.
Scared the hell outta me when I turned my head and saw this fat brown thing appearing on the door. Pretty stupid, but when stupider things appear at where you least expect them to appear, you just get a shock. Come and scare the heck out of me early in the morning. N-th encounter already can -.-
Oh ya, lizards in my house live in the ceiling. There's this hole in the top corner of the toilet near the door (don't ask me why it's there) and lizards ALWAYS crawl there when they get scared by me (who gets scared by them too). I bet that's where they lay their eggs and where their eggs hatch and that's why we keep seeing tiny gross things crawling around the house every few months or something.
One fell on my head before when I was littler. Good thing I just came outta the shower and had a towel over my hair.

I shall stop here. A stupid lizard should not take up 4 paragraphs of my post.

Sad life I tell you. Let me show you this week's (odd week) first 2 periods.
Monday: Math, CLC
Tuesday (today): Math, PE
Wednesday: Math, CLC
Thursday: LA, IH (math just before lunch)
Friday: Assembly, Math

Math, math, math and math. Crazy -.-

FLOORBALL FOR PE! Rockszxzsxzs. :D Cai Tong concluded that Audrey cannot aim floorball is good pre-OBS training because it really requires stamina. Running after a small, hollow, hol(e)y ball with a stick with your back bent perpetually the whole time, no joke. -.- Haha people going for OBS can play floorball thrice a week 2 months before.

Chemistry was sleeping lesson. Ok not really, I was talking nonsense with Ke Xin after going through the worksheets.

SIL was quite interesting. About volunteerism and some poverty thing.

Humanities was the real sleeping lesson. But I was hardworking and I finished my math homework. Actually I'm left with half a question. No prizes for guessing- I dunno how to do. -.-

Class contact was briefing on the unfun-Funfair, and surveys surveys and surveys. I think Jomain nearly died trying to conduct them cos a survey on photocopy machines/vendor/whatever was like 2 pages long =.=

Then I went for choir and I came home to eat and watch tv and blog.
Now I'm going to watch tv again. 绝对佳人!


- 20:12
Again, so soon?
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Yes, here.


23 June 2008 - 15:59
First day of Semester 2
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Today is the first day of Semester 2. We got our timetables and at the end of the day I had the very unpleasant job of looking at the numbers on the piece of paper which came with our LA notes, telling me my class has to pay the printing lady $57.75 for a bloody 35-times-0.3cm-equals-10.5cm-thick (yes I measured) stack of notes.

Don't worry 405, our class fund still has money.

Rewinding back to the start of the lesson, we were given a minute to run to the toilet to freshen up. During that one minute I found out that Yeo Ke Xin is very -.-
See I came out of the toilet and she was outside waiting for me. Since I just washed my hands, I decided to flick some water on her and that gave her quite a shock. In attempt to take revenge she flicked her hand at me too, but realised there was no water so it didn't work. I was laughing at her on the way back to class.
Back in class when we were walking back to our seats she tried kicking me but ended up hurting her own toes when she kicked the sole of my shoe instead -.-

Rewinding further back to recess, I went to the photocopy lady to photocopy some stuff and then went to the library to return Zi Hui's and my books, but the queue at the self-service station was so long until can reach Changi , so I decided to go after school. Went back to class, got my muffin and went down to the canteen to eat. I ate chicken rice too, and the amount of rice I'm getting seems to be decreasing and decreasing. One day I'll be getting more chicken than rice.
After eating I strolled back to class. The clock showed only 1100 (break's from 1030 to 1130), so I stoned 1 minute and slept the rest of the 29 minutes. Never sleep in school sleep until so shuang before.

Rewind even more to chinese lesson. Got back our zuo wen and I was O:-ed to see that I had only one cuo bie zi (which really is quite a great fantastic improvement for people like me), and also that I nearly failed with 37/70 marks (after -1 for cuo bie zi).

On the bus back with Siew Ying, I learnt that kua2 means cold in hokkien.
She told me the joke about ducks.
Q: Which animal is always cold?
A: Ducks. 'Cause they always go kua kua kua (cold cold cold).

Ok so that sums up my first day of Semester 2, leaving out the fact that I left out a whole question in my math worksheet 6.1 but don't worry, it's done already.

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22 June 2008 - 21:43
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sokkhoong! says (21:41):
sokkhoong! says (21:41):
i show you
sokkhoong! says (21:41):
caitong 09022015 says (21:40):
sokkhoong! says (21:40):
caitong 09022015 says (21:40):
sokkhoong! says (21:40):
caitong 09022015 says (21:40):
SAVE ME!!!!!
sokkhoong! says (21:41):
caitong 09022015 says (21:41):
sokkhoong! says (21:41):
caitong 09022015 says (21:41):
caitong 09022015 says (21:41):
tt was suicidal lor
caitong 09022015 says (21:41):
later she die how
caitong 09022015 says (21:41):
caitong 09022015 says (21:41):
sokkhoong! says (21:41):
behind fairyland, beyond utopia. says (21:42):
sokkhoong! says (21:42):
sokkhoong! says (21:42):
you hvnt die right
behind fairyland, beyond utopia. says (21:42):
I shall drink more later ;D if i live to tell the tale, i shall.
sokkhoong! says (21:42):
behind fairyland, beyond utopia. says (21:42):
await my return! HAHA
sokkhoong! says (21:42):
behind fairyland, beyond utopia. says (21:42):
haha no lah, i bathe already. i forgot to drink just now. HAHAHA.
sokkhoong! says (21:43):

The horrors of school -.-

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- 12:22
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Hello I edited the post on stuff from Ee Ning's blog. Forgot the link to the page on SRs so it's there already. You can go read and people like Liu Yi who know me well will probably find a lot of it true. Hahahah.


- 11:09
Am I?
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Emo post here. Go ahead and read it if you know/remember the password.


21 June 2008 - 22:25
From Ee Ning's blog!
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1. The iPersonic personality test says I'm a social realist.
My personality type: the social realist. Take the free iPersonic personality test!

Hm, the one about SRs (generally) is probably 99% true, adjectives and subjects are mostly true except for literature (under subjects). I hate literature.

2. The Five Love Languages
My primary love language is probably Quality Time,
with a secondary love language being Acts of Service.

Complete set of results
Quality Time: 10
Acts of Service: 6
Words of Affirmation: 6
Physical Touch: 5
Receiving Gifts: 3

Unhappiness in relationships, according to Dr. Gary Chapman, is often due to the fact that we speak different love languages. Sometimes we don't understand our partner's requirements, or even our own. We all have a "love tank" that needs to be filled in order for us to express love to others, but there are different means by which our tank can be filled, and there are different ways that we can express love to others.

Take the quiz

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- 21:14
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Hello ge wei. Yesterday I kena pangseh-ed by my class T.T
Apparently class gathering was cancelled and I was supposed to receive an sms which said so, but I never did get it. And no, I'm not pointing fingers at anybody so qing3 bu4 yao4 wu4 hui4. So well, I spent $20.00 on a cab rushing down to Bugis Junction pretty much for nothing. Well let's see, the cabbie said he'd give me a receipt so that I can analyse the ERP charges etc. and not anyhow take cabs at the wrong time, like during peak hour yesterday.

So, it was
Cab fare: $13.80
Peak (35%): $4.85
ERP: $1.50
Total: $20.15

But he was nice and just charged me $20.00.
See, during peak hours they charge you 135% of the normal fare. The moral of the storey story is to not take a cab during peak hours. Yup, and you'll have to pay ERP charges. ERPs are popping up everywhere now, you'd better be careful.

The cabbie was quite funny. I was at the junction and contemplating about whether I should cab or bus down. Just at that moment, a cab appeared in front of me and so I decided to take it. I wanted to flag it, but the driver didn't seem to be looking so I didn't flag. But he turned and saw me, so he asked me if I wanted to take the cab and ya, I took it. So for about a third of the journey, he was telling me at least 10 times about how people should
1. flag cabs earlier. Flag a cab as long as you see one, don't wait until you can figure if the cab's empty before you flag because it'd be gone by then;
2. stick their arms out for a longer time, especially at night, because it's really quite hard to decide whether or not to stop if the person just sticks his arm out (to flag a cab) for, say, half a second. In the end, most cabbies just drive past the guy.

The cabbie has a kid in primary 1, and he's started asking me about tuition, like when I think his son should get tuition. He kept asking me why I could get into Nanyang without tuition, is it because I'm very smart?
...That's not the point.
What I find quite amusing is that he's asking me when his kid will need tuition when he/she's only in primary 1. Personally I find it's a bit too early to think about tuition, hahah.

He told me stories about how fantastic a lawyer David Marshall was. As a defence lawyer he was so fantastic that those who were initially given the death sentence would in the end be found not guilty and could go free.

And he kept insisting that being a lawyer's difficult but being a doctor's easy.
Ya, both are hard, but he still thinks being a doctor's easy.


So what did I do at Bugis? I walked and walked and walked, and walked and walked and walked. I decided to go look for my duffel bag since I was out. After much walking, I found one at Adidas which cost $49.00. Felt it was quite reasonable considering the prices of other Adidas products (which are really overpriced), so I bought it.

After that I went to the fooooood basement and bought Chewy Jr.! 1 for $1.30, box of 6 for $7.00, and a free Chewy Jr. original with every 6. So I bought a box of 6 and got my free original one. Cost me $7.00 for 7, so my Chewy Jrs cost $1.00 each. I saved $0.30 on each one :D

My ah yi wanted to come down but I was going back already so I told her she didn't need to come down.

Took 170 back and ate leftovers for dinner, rice+tofu+fish.


Earlier yesterday I had CCA, which turned out quite ok, just that A1s, we must jia1 lots and lots of you2 okay! This is the World Choir Games, not SYF or something. We go to get Gold and we've got to fight for it, no Gold will fall from the sky if we don't work for it.
I think our choir's like the stock market. Up, down, up, down, up, down. So unstable. We must go up up up and stabilize! Then we can stabilize our Gold and make this expensive, expunsive and time-consuming (pre-trip) trip really worthwhile.

After choir I went to catch The Incredible Hulk with Han Sheng. I think Bruce is quite cute :D as in the small kid kind of cute. I don't know, he just gives me the small-kid-cute kind of feeling. Lol. It was kinda cold in the cinema and I was shivering and shivering throughout the movie but Han Sheng didn't feel cold at all. -.-

Oh I ran into Michelle Chia's mama in Lot 1 after coming out of the toilet. Michelle's brother was getting a haircut at EC House. Her mama asked me a lot of things which I forgot.
Han Sheng came out of the toilet a while later and when he saw me talking to Michelle's mum he got scared and sneaked away to hide behind some plant -.-

After that I went home and left the house about 30min later for class gathering, cabbed down only to realise it was cancelled.

And that sums up yesterday.


17 June 2008 - 23:34
Don't say I didn't advertise for you!
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Nah! :D

Ge wei, please visit. Lol.


16 June 2008 - 22:31
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Very, lol.

What's Your Best Quality?
Your Result: Loving

Your best quality is loving! People like you because of your loving nature. You are a nice person that cares about others. Your loving nature makes you a good friend.

Sense of Humor
What's Your Best Quality?
Take More Quizzes

Zero ambitiousness.

Oh yeah, do read this post about assholes on trains, and probably how to deal with them. ;D

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- 16:06
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Today I was cooking instant udon for lunch and I got scalded by the soup cos it spilled out of the bowl -.- So now the fingers of my right hand are perpetually glued to the ice pack. Shi4 tong4 de4 lor D:
And typing with one hand kinda sucks. How am I going to finish my IH essay? -.-
Ben3 ren2 cannot use the mouse properly with the left hand. lol noob.

Stupid pig leng -.-

Anyway right, I also cannot sms properly with my left hand -.-
lol noob.


Nehmind, the great leftie shall conquer it! Hmph.
noob. self delusion.

I hate my sister Terrible sister -.-

don't small see chicken. chicken can peck you to death.

Behold, the chicken.

Before pecking:

After pecking:

don't small see aluminium, aluminium can scratch you.

Branded aluminium. Cadbury, lol.


Ok actually now, my first 2 fingers are fine. But my last 2 are red and they really hurt -.- Stuck to the ice pack -.- No, not literally.


15 June 2008 - 22:21
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Yaaaaay Happy Father's Day to all fathers :D! My dada is in Malaysia O:

2 things today!

1. Strange dream
I had this really strange dream yesterday night. I dreamt my mama, sister and bro took bus to Malaysia -.- Ya we got there before my dd did in my dream -.- Then I don't know why our passports weren't needed, we just boarded the bus and zoomed off to Malaysia and the bus stopped right in front of this supermarket. I went in and looked around at the prices and was practically shouting, "EY, VERY CHEAP LEH!"

That was pretty stupid, I know. But hey, the supermarket was empty.

People started streaming in after that. So my mum, sis and bro were all walking around and there was this strange little counter at the side selling rice cakes. Really, rice cakes. It's like sushi without the seaweed and centre. They had those that came in small flattish pieces and those that came in small blocks. There was this lil' tray of sashimi for you to choose from. One rice cake for 10c. Ya then you can choose what kinda topping you want, sashimi or egg. Still 10c.

My bro and I were staring at this guy buying one with egg on top. Super funny. The person just takes the small piece of egg, puts it on the small block of rice and hands it to you. For 10c.

So we continued walking around. Yea stuff were ridiculously cheap in my dream. Like fish for RM5, chocolate for RM10, and sushi for 10c. -.- So ridiculous.

My bro wanted to buy chocolate. Then we realised we had no Malaysian Ringgit, and my ma was going, "AIYAH! WE HAVE NO MALAYSIAN RINGGIT LEH HOW!" and well nobody cared about her, everybody just continued with their own shopping when she was yelling away. So! We called my dad, who was supposed to be in some state really far away from where we were, but he appeared in about 10min. Bet he used a superjet O:

Yeah and about 1min after he arrived, I turned my head and saw a moneychanger about 40 steps away -.- Ya, in the friggin' supermarket.

We went home after that I think. Don't know what happened to my dad's conference or whatever, but he came back with us. Our home, it really resembled some place, I think we were at NYGH but I really don't know why and how the hell that became my home, and apparently there were people waiting for me downstairs (we were on the 2nd floor). Was supposed to be some team lunch with bowling peeps I think, but Mr Chow was there -.- and Mr Mac I think. And Ding Jie. And Wei Long. Wahlao, and I don't remember seeing any bowling peeps there apart from me. I was upstairs unpacking the stuff we bought from the supermarket and they were all 崔ing me to go down. I remember they wanted to go to Sakae Sushi to eat. Mr Chow was looking up and he kept staring at me cos everybody was waiting for me. -.-

After that my ma woke me up to say bubbye to my dada. Hahah. We all forgot to tell him Happy Father's Day -.- Ohwell.

2. Noob nubber van driver
This afternoon, we ran into a real noooooooob. Well my sis has been calling my poor bro 'noob' for quite some time already but today we realised he wasn't the noobest yet.

We were going to send my bro for his enrichment class, which was in Bishan. So since my dada's not here, my mama drove us there. Today special day, my sis and I went along. My mama drove into an open carpark near my popo's place and she was looking for a parking lot. So ok pretty soon after she drove into the carpark, she found a white lot and was about to turn on the hazard lights and begin reversing the car. But this van suddenly appeared right behind our car and it was so friggin' close my mama couldn't do anything. Started horning at my mama before she even turned her hazard lights on. Then there was a taxi diagonally in front of our car, trying to drive out, but was stuck 'cause of the van. It was a bend, not very wide.

This should give you a better picture:

Not drawn to scale!

Something like that lah. K the words a bit small; red's the van, grey's our car, blue's the taxi. The rectangle sticking out is the lot my ma wanted to park in. See, the taxi can't move, we can't move, and so the van still can't move. The only way for us to move is for the van to reverse to let us park the car and it just refused to budge.

How ass is the stupidass van driver -.-

Ya, so he continued horning and horning non-stop, until I think this guy standing near the lot told him to reverse so my mama could park the car or something. Then he reversed a little bit, which really didn't help much. And the sucker could still shake his head at my mama when she was parking.

This is what you call a real noob.

Even my ma said, "Noob lah he." LOL. All learn from my sister.

Yup, my bro's still not noob enough. ;D

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14 June 2008 - 23:47
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Aiyo, ben3 ren2 realises that ben3 ren2 has been buying a lot of things recently -.- Cannot! Haven't earn money cannot spend so much. But I want my duffel bag O: *cough*
I just realised my mama stuffed my stuffed toys into a box.
...Pun not intended.
My green pudding looks squashed o.o But zhe4 yang4 ye3 hao3 la, they won't collect dust so easily.

My daddy is going to Malaysia for workstuff. Hoho.

I haven't started packing and my luggage is half full already -.- Jackets lah. 2 only you know. And they're not super extremely thick or anything. Terrible. I must sai1 sai1 sai1 my stuff when I really start packing D<

Oh ya, I always recommend The Mushroom Pot as a good place to dine for mushroom people :D The cod fish is delicious. Go try!

Ok my internet's about to go, I'll end here. Bye!


13 June 2008 - 17:42
Friday the 13th!
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-screams and runs around in circles-

...nah, I didn't really do that.

Word of advice from my sister,

Ok, that wasn't really advisable advice.

Yep, gnoohkkos.blogspot.com is/was born on Friday the 13th, 2008.

My mama was clearing the cupboards in my room. It used to be a study room, so there're some toys lying around in some of the cupboards and she decided to clear them out and give them away. She found a whole box of pingpong balls and tennis balls, plus some other random balls like this one.

Soft and squishy :D and COLOURFUL!

I remember playing with this ball when I was a lil' kid :D Did all sorts of things to it, including chewing...
Eh, there's a bell inside the ball you know. Shake shake shake then will have tinglinglingling sound one! So cool right.

Aiyah, I just had this strong feeling of nostalgia when my mum started taking the things out and putting them into a bag to be given away. All the things I played with when I was little. All the Kinder Bueno eggs my parents bought for my siblings and I when we were little little kids. Loved the little surprises inside the chocolate eggs (: Cuteness, lol.

Waffles toys...used to build them all over the floor and just sit and play and play and play.

Gone are the days we could be happy and carefree, sleep and sleep and sleep, play and play and play...with no mind for homework.

Yes people wake up, it's end of week 3 of the holidays. Please chiong your homework now. Have fun folks.

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- 16:10
Blogger again?
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Ya, for the sake of Nuffnang I shall migrate here. Again. -.- Blehs.

Ya I'm going to help my friend earn monayye $_$ thru ads. Let's hope it works, lol. Must click ok!

Copied and pasted yesterday's post on KAP below.


12 June 2008 - 22:32
Studying at KAP
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Lalala choir today. Yeu Jia bought 枇杷膏 under somebody’s 吩咐s and everybody had to have a spoonful. Actually from now onwards during every choir practice. Eh I like the taste :D It’s not bad lor! Although the first time it went into my mouth it tasted a bit like antibiotics, but after that the smell gets herbier and mintier and after that it tastes nice :D Ya so the conclusion is, I like 枇杷膏! And 枇杷露!

I dunno if the characters are correct but this is what Hansmaster gave me so I shall use it.

After choir I met Ee Ning in the canteen then we reluctantly proceeded to KAP for lunch+study because we didn’t want to waste time travelling from and back to school. So we had lunch there and I nearly died completing my math worksheets while Ee Ning nearly died teaching me how to integrate properly and create some matrix revolution. I don’t like matrices -.- The questions very cheaterbug lor keep cheating me.

AND! SHE’S REALLY LAME YOU KNOW. Come I ask you, what happens when you squash a grape?

It w(h)ines.


Ultimate diaoness. THEN SHE KEPT LAUGHING AT MEEEEE. Laugh laugh laugh then suddenly mutter some 'soggy 葡萄' then laugh laugh laugh some more. Crazy -.-

Then she laugh laugh laugh while I munched on a Ritz biscuit, and was about to tell her ‘you better dun eat ah, if not-…’ then I started giggling at the thought of her laughing and 3 tiny crumbs flew out of my mouth then she laughed even more -.- Well ya that was what I wanted to say, ‘if not the biscuit will fly out of your mouth’ but it happened to me first so what more can I say? -.-

After we were done we walked out to the bus stop to go home and she needed to go to CCK to meet her friend, then we were waiting for the bus and she suddenly ‘OH SHEED! I LEFT MY DONG XI IN KAP!!!’

So we chionggggged back to KAP to take her dong xi and then we strolled back to the bus stop.

Ok then we boarded the bus to hui jia then I reached home and slackslackslackslack from 1630 all the way until now, I’m still slacking like a pig.

Oh ya, she suggested going to Woodlands Library to study next Tuesday and shockingly found out that I’ve never been there/been there and forgotten/don’t know how to get there. Ya I dunno how to go there and even though it’s opposite someplace I still think I’ll get lost because I’m the sort who will get lost in Taka’s Kinokunya(sp?), i.e. go down the escalator straight into Kino, then walk 5 rounds and still not be able to find the exit that leads out to the Taka building/get back to the down escalator/keep ending up at exit with the up escalator.

*deep breath*

Ya, I’m the best, dun try to outbest me.
