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Sok Khoong!
10 April! *BIG hint*
NYGH, class of 2008

Bowler of HCI
Member of 405′08

Macadamia nuts (!!!)

to stop being such a slacker -.-

Click to view my Personality Profile page

New Year Resolutions 2009

1. Study hard and do well for GP and Econs especially.

2. Average 150<

3. Read papers every single day.

4. Give people presents for birthdays and Christmas.

5. Study hard for Theory exam.

6. Practice lots for Practical exam.

7. Run every morning (since there's a track provided already ;D)

8. GOLD FOR NAPFA grrrr.

9. Be nicer. Much nicer.


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yuqi LOL I need more of 19's links!

audrey cai tong grace c hui qing jomain kim yung liu yi qiao yan sarah xin yu yihui zi hui zi yan HCI
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amanda t (sec3) baoxian hui shan lo yee lydia lynn l sally samantha k xin tong yee phon zihui l Others
colin daniel han sheng kelley kevan michelle l nicole samantha c subha victor wan ting yanyi yujun
peachgoat14.wordpress.com June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009
Bowling Daily ramblings Hilarious Kyushu 2008 Lai Weng (LOL) Random Rev-it-Up 09 Siew Ying Strange dreams Summing up the years Thoughts WCG Graz 2008

27 November 2008 - 11:54
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with HCI. :D It was normal. I miss the feeling of proper training. And I finally got to use my BOKBOK (oh man I should give it a pro-er name). Yea. Quite ok lah. Bokbok does magic. Anyway there was this small boy bowling in the lane next to mine (and Sufen's and Noreen's). He was using a 5-pound ball with 5 holes for 4 fingers and a thumb. It looked so funny la. Then he went to the foul line, grabbed his ball and swung it from left to right and guess what? It flew into our lane (LAUGH OUT LOUD PLEASE, IT WAS SO HILARIOUS). I'd spared earlier, and this ball went straight into the gutter -.- Lol I'd just stepped out but heng I didn't continue if not I would've tripped over the ball or something. His parents got such a shock they asked if I wanted to bowl in their lane. So funny la. The small boy was also in shock.

Today I went bowling with Birdbrained Grass-eater at HomeTeam NS. Please go bowl there from 9am-12noon, it's only $1.00 per game :D :D :D :D Wahahahahahahaha. I played 2 games cos my thumb was getting sore.

Birdbrained Grass-eater (let's call him BBGE) was telling me about how poor his family was.

"Midnight you look downstairs will see 3 people plucking grass."
"You see behind the carpark have pails to collect rainwater."
"Eh eh I'm not so low-class okay, sometimes I eat French cuisine (escargot -.-)."

Yeahyeah -.-
"No, seriously."
"I live in the void deck. You want to come my house?"
"All the void decks are my home."
"One day you'll see that patch of grass there -points- all gone."

Oh yeah one more.
"You know I had to sell 10kg of grass just for (bowling) today?"
So kelian. -.-

He can swim to Japan to eat Japanese grass and eat sashimi along the way.

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25 November 2008 - 18:25
This is amusing.
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I got it from Zi Yan. Yes, go rack your brains. We cannot let our brains rot over the holidays, else we'll die next year.

Moon + cow = Mow (say mao).
Stupid Birdbrain, that's what your blog did to me.

Anyway, I went out with Liu Yi and Siew Ying on Sunday. To Bugis Street and hell, I spent a lot of money. I am not going to reveal how much I spent but I'm not going to eat lunch for the rest of the year -.- Quite worth lah I think, but still I'm not earning money yet so, 心痛 )x But we were quite fruitful lah, we got our stuff in 2 and a half hours :D Then Liu Yi left at about 5pm while Siew Ying and I headed to Yew Tee for dinner. Then we went to her 家楼下 to talk talk talk talk until about 8pm+ before I went up to her house to use the toilet. The 45th anniversary thingy was on so I stayed to watch it with her family. It ended at 10pm and her dad sent me home :D

Liu Yi is my personal psychic because she can read my mind and is correct about almost anything related to me.

I NEEDSESZXSZ A JOBSZXSZ. Admin work, anyone?


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21 November 2008 - 21:45
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On Kyushu:
I think i wont post that many peektures on the food, later you end up flooding your table desk.


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- 20:08
Bowling (finally)
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With Birdbrain yesterday.
went bowling with so(shujun's lame name) ytd, and it was such a disaster. we got a disastrous lane-lane 20, which kept breaking down, and we wash the gutter such that it is sparkling clean please -.- 79 points for the first game, haha waste money! both of us same point somemore -.- then afterthat i got a spare in the last frame, but there're only 8pins when it reracked, so so (funny right! soso) press restart, then it was her turn. haha with 8pins again! and she striked -.- DABIAN!
That pretty much sums it up.
and we wash the gutter such that it is sparkling clean please
So true la walao. So disgusting.

79, 107, 119. Yucks yucks. Adelbert is damn funny.

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- 16:18
Kyushu Days 3-5
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Same, clickable. If you wanna steal pictures, kindly credit me thankyou :D

10th November 2008
I forgot about dinner.


Udon :D I found out that udon's supposed to be square, not round. -.- Tasted great.

Check out how much we ate LOL.

This is what Sarah and I ate. Guess how many of the plates/bowls belong to me.

11th November 2008


Visited some recycling centre.

These are lights made from bottles.

A picture made from bottlecaps.

Cute toilet sign.

Lunch at Minamata. But I cannot eat seafood so I had

Pasta! Huge serving la, I was so full after eating.

They have huge flowers. Yes that's my hand.

Sarah and I cannot jump together. My hair is disgusting.

View from where we were eating.

Minamata Disease Museum. I'm not sure if that's the proper name, though.

Wind turbine. A.C. generator.

Japanese hotel for the night.


Megaultrasuperduperx10000 addictive green tea. Sorry 'bout the blurness, I was too excited about getting my green tea.

They lay out the..."mattresses" (there's a proper term, I forgot what) for us when we were eating dinner.

12th November 2008
Sunrise, but the sun was rising from behind so we could only see light.


Check out the egg (the thing in the pan on the top right in the previous picture). You're supposed to eat the whole thing together with the bacon, but we didn't know, so we were all peeling the bacon from the egg -.-

Magic place where they turn poo into fertilizer.

It's clean and dry and totally smell-less. And nutritious for plants. Haha the uncle very cute.



I forgot what this place was called. The photos are in my phone.

Flowers or leaves?

Ducks and fish. The ducks are hiding under the grass. The fish are everywhere.


I've no idea what this is, but it looks cute.

Model of the actual thing.

Don't you just love the colours?

Lunch. Buffet again!!


Big green place to slack. We slacked there for about 1h after watching a Japanese puppet show. It's really really cool. The singer's (?) voice is totally WOAH I tell you.

Everyone was swooning over this xiao di di. Check out all the shadows. All belong to Nanyang Girls LOL. His mum was standing by the side laughing and laughing non-stop in amusement.


Pretty maple leaves picked up by Yumi.

Please ignore the pole and look at the background.

Farm! The one in the turquoise (?) long-sleeved shirt is the daughter.

They stuck this on the door :D Handwritten by otoo-san! His calligraphy is O: O: O: O:

I took a tad too much rice ==

By the way, their miso soup is really MISO soup, unlike Singapore's soya sauce soup.

The black stuffs on the left are broad beans. They taste good.

Udon again!! :D :D

Colourful solitaire! Valerie managed to get rid of everything but one...marble? Yeah.

Bed = Mattress + one layer of mao2 covering, beanystuffs-filled pillow which was very nice for sleeping (for me at least), a mao2 blanket and a megaultrasuperduper thick quilt. Very comfy. I want also. But I think I'll just cook in it, given Singapore's weather.

13th November 2008
Ohayo gozaimasu! Sorry a bit dark ah. My camera, not the sky problem.

2 degrees Celsius. All the windows everywhere frosted up. This was the bus window.
If you can't really see, it says "cold".

Takachiho High School's Kendo Gym. Lol check out all the trophies below the Japanese flag on the right.

6-member choir. They're amazingly loud and they sounded really good.

People seem to have a problem with my camera. They can never take clear pictures. Anyway that guy was our Kendo student-teacher. His eyelashes are amazingously loooong! They're like, 1.5cm long or something. I'm not kidding.

Classroom. I like chalkboards.

Lunch in their AV/IT room I think?

Visited a shrine. This tree is 80 years' old I think. It's huge. They had another 2 trees opposite this one where the roots were joined. It's believed that if a newly-wed couple walks around it 3 times, they will en en ai ai bai tou xie lao that kinda thing. Pretty cool, if you ask me.

Visited a GORGEous gorge. Photos are all with Ee Ning because MY CAMERA RAN OUT OF BATTERY !@#$?!@#&ASFLKAJF
I've some in my phone, thought.
We spent 2 hours there: 1 hour to walk all the way down, 1 hour to walk back up. The scenery was like AAAH breathtaking. It got chilly gradually and I was only wearing 1 layer of clothing. -.- But after walking/running up with Ee Ning, we perspired for the first time in Japan HAHAHAHA. It wasn't even proper perspiration.

Check out the vending machine.

Bong! I forgot who that guy was.

There's a shop just next to this one-man car. It belongs to the shop owner. The inside looks like a motorbike. He saw how amused we were with his car and let us go in to take photos. He didn't even lock his car door la lol. Then he came out of his shop and left it unattended, to drive his cute car around for us to see. See, Japanese are so honest and trusting. Unlike people here.

Dinner with our host family.

Cookies and cream. No prizes for guessing which hand(s) belong(s) to Sarah Siau. The other(s) belong(s) to Valerie, who can jump really really high and touch the low low ceiling of the house (yes the ceiling's really really low compared to our HDBs'), considering she's shorter than the rest of us, who CANNOT TOUCH THE CEILING -.- Okay okay, she's a gymnast.

Shinto dancing, which was performed at Takachiho High School as well.

Our host family kept a few books for the students who stayed over to doodle in. We took up like 5 pages LOL. At least.
By Sarah Siau and I.


Otoo-san's birthday is on 12th November, which was the day before. We sang him a birthday song during dinner on the 12th :D :D

All the above were done by Peilih, Jin Yao and Christabel. Lol Peilih and her monkey.

By Valerie.

Rabbit! Okka-san is so nice :D :D

I fold my bed nicely.

I got into a really bad laughing fit and went kinda mad. Sarah was like mega amused and told Valerie, "Eh see ah, wait I look at her she'll laugh. -looks-"
Me: Bursts out laughing for 5 minutes.
It lasted about 30 minutes (at least (I think)). Lol I'd think of something funny like Sarah and Yumi's lumlumlum and start laughing HAHAHAHA.
Then I looked at the clock in our room.
"Eh, going to be 10 o'clock already!!"
Sarah: HUH?!?!?! Now only 9.35pm!

Sarah: Is it going to be 11 already?
Me: No lah, haven't 10 yet.
I'm still sane okay.

The lilies are HUGE. They're almost as big as Liwen's face. Seriously. And the cai4 there is bigger than my face. I dunno how they grow such huge things. The lilies smelt really really nice, by the way.

What you see just after stepping into the house. No shoes in the house/on the tatami!
The house like some maze liddat la. You know the first night, after eating dinner, we wanted to excuse ourselves to go and get ready to shower but WE COULDN'T FIND THE DOOR (they shut the door to the dining area, so we were surrounded by a wall, the kitchen, and 2 doors) -.- All the doors looked the same manzxs. Felt so stupid, we were going in circles dunno which door to open. Btw it was highly unadvisable to bathe in the morning because it gets freezing cold (until Sarah totally doesn't wanna budge from her 被窝) and I don't think anyone would wanna take any clothes off -.- So we didn't bathe in the mornings and only showered at night.

The place gets really really quiet after dark. The silence hurt my ears man lol. Guess we're/I'm not used to it. Singapore's too noisy. When I'm sleeping, some stupid motorcycle will suddenly zoom by and scare me awake from my sleep. Here, everyone sleeps like pigs because it's so quiet. I like it.

I'm not sure if this can illustrate how low the ceiling is.

Sarah's sitting in front of the heater. I think she looks really creepy here.

Flowers outside the house.
Our host family keeps cats! They've one smally family in a shed(?). 2 white parents, who like to climb the glass wire mesh on the glass (the door had glass 'windows'. Sarah and I got such a shock the first time we saw the cat climbing up (we were quite a distance away from the door). We went closer and realised they've wire mesh there) to hide/play on the beams on the roof, 2 lil' white kittens and one black kitten. Another blackish-brownish cat's kept outside, separated from the family, because otoo-san said they'll fight if he lets it in/lets the other cats out. The cat outside bit me -.- It's violent la. Doesn't let people carry it. Keeps squirming.
