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Sok Khoong!
10 April! *BIG hint*
NYGH, class of 2008

Bowler of HCI
Member of 405′08

Macadamia nuts (!!!)

to stop being such a slacker -.-

Click to view my Personality Profile page

New Year Resolutions 2009

1. Study hard and do well for GP and Econs especially.

2. Average 150<

3. Read papers every single day.

4. Give people presents for birthdays and Christmas.

5. Study hard for Theory exam.

6. Practice lots for Practical exam.

7. Run every morning (since there's a track provided already ;D)

8. GOLD FOR NAPFA grrrr.

9. Be nicer. Much nicer.


ShoutMix chat widget

yuqi LOL I need more of 19's links!

audrey cai tong grace c hui qing jomain kim yung liu yi qiao yan sarah xin yu yihui zi hui zi yan HCI
adelbert bernice l cindy ding jie ee ning eunice eva grace han jing hee ai joey joleen kuan yue lai weng lynn c noreen rachel k shaun shi hui siew ying sufen NYGH
amanda t (sec3) baoxian hui shan lo yee lydia lynn l sally samantha k xin tong yee phon zihui l Others
colin daniel han sheng kelley kevan michelle l nicole samantha c subha victor wan ting yanyi yujun
peachgoat14.wordpress.com June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009
Bowling Daily ramblings Hilarious Kyushu 2008 Lai Weng (LOL) Random Rev-it-Up 09 Siew Ying Strange dreams Summing up the years Thoughts WCG Graz 2008

31 October 2008 - 14:05
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I wanted to go to Hometeam NS to bowl, but apparently they're having some tournament at 2pm (I reached at 1.40pm -.-). So, wasted trip. And wasted 90c. Sorry Adelbert \:

I have 1 hour to slack before going for choir for farewell! (:


30 October 2008 - 21:50
2nd last day of school
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Spot Zi Hui.

Chinese lesson was sianning and we were doing things like:
1. drawing nonsense;

All drawings were done by Sun Ran. Click to enlarge.

Sun Ran's story goes like this:
Once, Sok was poo. Then sit sit sit stone stone stone and became buddha no.1 (bottom left). Then after a proper hairdo, buddha no.1 became proper buddha (top left). One day, buddha decided to go swimming and became a fish. The fish put on make up and became some (ugly) woman. -.-

2. playing with the Rubik's cube;

3. playing BINGO;

4. playing CARDS HAHA! Yes, very discreetly, at the back of the class;

5. sleeping. For about 2 minutes every time -.-

6. watch Xing Xuan attempt to snatch Zi Hui's phone so she can delete her (Xing Xuan's) photo.

I came home and I slept from 1630-1900 and I still feel like sleeping.

I have 5 conversation windows open now and it's quite intimidating, and quite wondrous how an antisocial person like me can have 5 conversations going on at once.

It's the 2nd last day of school and honestly, I don't feel a thing.

Haha pretty!

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29 October 2008 - 23:49
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[林冠佑] † 冠佑-化! 她的名字 says (23:47):
i shall ky-ficate you
sokkhoong says (23:47):
[林冠佑] † 冠佑-化! 她的名字 says (23:47):
sokkhoong says (23:47):
[林冠佑] † 冠佑-化! 她的名字 says (23:47):
thats how ky-fication came about
cos of words ending with ky
sokkhoong says (23:48):
[林冠佑] † 冠佑-化! 她的名字 says (23:48):
true essence of being ky-ish
sokkhoong says (23:48):
then liuyi becomes liuky?
[林冠佑] † 冠佑-化! 她的名字 says (23:48):
yours sounds better
sokkhoong says (23:48):


28 October 2008 - 22:36
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Some stupid beetle just flew through my fan.

It went in from the back, came out the front, still in one piece don't worry, banged into my chair and is now lying motionless on the floor.

I think it's dead. Oh no it isn't, yet, at least. It's upside down, wiggling its poor little legs in the air.


Oh, it died.

291008, 1643

The stupid thing cheated me. It didn't die. It was meditating/attaining nirvana. I went to brush my teeth, and when I came back it was gone. I thought I kicked it by accident or something. Later when I went to turn the modem off, I saw it crawling along the side of my door ==

Yep, it didn't die. But I think it'll die soon.

Beetles are stupid. Today Zi Yan told me about how she saw one fly in through her window, and bang straight into her cupboard. -.-


- 20:25
Now Chinese makes you mad.
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sokkhoong says (20:17):
qiaoyan says (20:16):
i hate gong han now
keep getting ge shi wrong
sokkhoong says (20:16):
qiaoyan says (20:16):
sokkhoong says (20:16):
qiaoyan says (20:16):
sokkhoong says (20:16):
sokkhoong says (20:16):
and *** paper sucks!!!!
qiaoyan says (20:17):
i think when u get angry and start cursing in chinese and dialect u sound super funny loh
and cute
sokkhoong says (20:17):
ziyan ☮ says (20:23):
haha you two v funny leh
sokkhoong says (20:24):
sokkhoong says (20:17):
qiaoyan says (20:17):
i can imagine u getting all ji dong about it
very funny indeed
sokkhoong says (20:17):
i bring joy to everyone woooooooo!
qiaoyan says (20:18):
ziyan ☮ says (20:24):
idk. amusing :D
sokkhoong says (20:24):
chinese makes you mad i tell you
ziyan ☮ says (20:24):
angry angry then she suddenly say you cute hahah

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- 20:14
Stupid chinese.
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sokkhoong says (20:12):
i'm sick of chinese alr ):
qiaoyan says (20:12):
me too
i dont want to see another chinese compre or compo in my life
if i have to do chinese in hci
sokkhoong says (20:13):
i'll just die.
qiaoyan says (20:13):

See what chinese does to people -.-

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- 19:02
Long day
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I haven't posted a proper post in quite a while.

Today started off with checking of overall results, which, as expected, were not too bad. MSG 2.41, I think I'm pretty safe.
HC C5 (==)
BI A1 (!!!)

Then we had the YOG talk, which didn't seem very useful since I couldn't really hear what they were saying. But this quote by an Olympic athelete striked me.
My country did not send me here to start the race. They sent me here to finish the race.

Somewhere along those lines. And I think that is a great show of strong willpower and he completed the race despite his injury.
That was years ago, but still, I like it very much and it's going to be one of my new mottos.

After that Siew Ying and I made a trip down to Ngee Ann City to go job-hunting. We had lunch first, though, and I ate 2 Mos Burgers for lunch (and I wasn't full). Then we went to Tower A to look for this place called Recruit Express, then headed to Takashimaya's HR Department. Their (Taka's) application form had these boxes which asked about the languages you speak and stuff, like "Write/speak/sth fluently; Conversation only; Write/speak/sth satisfactorily; Spoken dialect"
For a moment, I didn't know whether to include Chinese under "write/speak/sth fluently".
Well I did, anyway.

By then it was around, 4pm. Then we headed to CCK/Lot 1 to look for dresses for Siew Ying, 'cause she needed them for her Work Experience Programme. 190 broke down after exiting the expressway and we got this complimentary ticket thing, it's cool :)

We walked around the whole of the first and second floors I think. Hahah. Then I was happily picking out clothes for her, funny la. There were shops like Echo, walk in, see the price tag ($148.00/-), walk out. -.-

HAHAHA I think I'm really pro. I pick out nice clothes. Even at places she didn't like, such as Vogue. She thinks I have good taste ^^ and wants to go shopping with me again HAHAHAHA.

Sadly, we didn't get to buy any of the clothes, because she needed her mum's opinion. Yea.

I bought a pair of GIRAFFE earrings :D

Then we left at 6.45pm and I reached home at 6.55pm and here I am.

Now it's dinnertime, byebye.

Oh my I forgot to show Mogu MuMu. ): I shall do so tomorrow.


27 October 2008 - 20:40
This cat is frickin' annoying.
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Stop it from escaping.


26 October 2008 - 15:56
New addition.
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Things to do after EOYs
1. Go running and DO SIT UPS (I can't do sit-ups for my life bah). And push-ups. I haven't been exercising since months ago )
2. Go bowling!! I needa bowl desperatelyyyyyy.
3. Go to some quiet place and slack around and think about my year.
4. Expand MoMo's family. MoMo has a girlfriend now, her name is MuMu.
5. Prettify MuMu.
6. Train harder for taekwondo (I want my black meh). I stopped. Aw.
7. Throw physics away!!! YES DONE WAHAHAHA.
8. Get a job.
9. Learn German/sign language (or something)!
10. Think about what else I can/should do to my hair. Nah I think I'm gonna leave it hahah.
11. PACK MY ROOM it looks like a rubbish dump wth.
12. Think about whether I really want 2 CCAs in JC.
13. Learn guitar.


25 October 2008 - 18:53
Novice Challenge Day 1
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113, 141, 146, 90

Wth. The lanes were screwing like shit. The last game was the best. I fouled a spare and wasted a strike, like X --
Pulled down my average like crazy.


24 October 2008 - 19:58
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99 images


- 19:38
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You Should Be a Mechanic

You are logical, calm, and detail oriented.
You're rational when things are chaotic, and for you, reason always prevails.
And while you are guided by logic, you aren't a slave to it.
You're flexible when it counts. You are always open to being wrong.

You do best when you:
- Work with your hands
- Can use tools, machines, or equipment

You would also be a good architect or carpenter.

I'm so irritated with the people in the 7pm show, I don't want to watch it anymore.


23 October 2008 - 22:54
Thanks Liu Yi!
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For this. I know you put in a lot of effort. (:

Yes that's Bok!


Now I 不舍得穿, 'cause I'm afraid it will 脱色 if I wash it when it gets dirty ):

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- 19:41
I think
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People just think I'm plain weird. Yeah, face it. I don't like arcades and I am 孤僻. I like being alone. And I think 5 is a big group.

Anyway. A1 for chemistry and biology. The only 2 A1s I have, but I've another 3 A2s so I guess it's pretty good. For overall I mean. The A1s are for SA and overall. Gosh. Hahah msg 2.4, I'm really, really thankful for that (:

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22 October 2008 - 18:48
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Your Scholastic Strength Is Evaluating

You are great at looking at many details and putting them all together.
You are talented at detecting subtle trends, accuracy, and managing change.

You should major in:
Conflict studies

Zomg medicine! O:

You Are Monday

Like this day of the week, you are ruled by the moon.
More than anything, you are flexible.

You are moody and impressionable. You are easily influenced by the world around you.
And while you can be temperamental, you eventually adjust.
While Mondays tend to be the hardest day for people, you don't mind getting back to regular life.
You're the one waking up early and making the coffee while everyone else complains.


- 15:21
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Got an A2 for IH (SA and overall)!!!

Math also A2 (overall)! :D Hahahahahahahahah I'm so happy! :D :D :D :D :D


Hmm 543530 with 71 images.

Who can beat Shaun's 769440, 95 images? O:

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21 October 2008 - 22:19
Coign of Vantage
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468890 506660
63 67 images



- 16:56
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Met Adelbert on the way home and he asked me if I was sad. I don't know, really. It's just that I really didn't expect to fail.

应用文 50.0%;
作文 failed- 48.8%;
试卷二 50.0%;
SA 49.5%

Guess why?


Freak. Content 14, language 16 (or the other way round). Then they moderated, +4 for each component, and then overall +1 again. Which meant 39. But my 错别字扣满五分,超冤枉的好不好。

I don't know if I'm sad. By right, I shouldn't be, because I had a hell lotta marks (yes 9 is one hell lotta marks) added to my pathetic 30-5/70, and it's my fault I didn't pass, due to all the stupid 错别字s which could have given me 5 more marks. But I definitely am disappointed. After all, 作文 was supposed to be my "saviour" of sorts; ironically, it's the one causing me to fail my SA. This is going to look terrible in my report book.

On a happier note, I passed LA, despite failing my comprehension (as usual) due to excessive lifting. According to Liu Yi and Qiao Yan, I could've gotten about 5 more marks or so if I paraphrased. But well it's over, and I'm glad I passed.

Surprisingly for SRQ, despite only paraphrasing the writer's points, I still managed to get a 14/20, which I think is really. Lucky. Really.

LA is now 3 grades above chinese. Wow. Freak. My chinese was supposed to be better than my LA. Imbalanced lah, my LA improved and my chinese deproved.


20 October 2008 - 23:26
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- 20:31
Dyslexic -.-
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sokkhoong says (20:27):
my hair is tie-able
ziyan ☮ says (20:31):
ooh cool
ziyan ☮ says (20:31):
ziyan ☮ says (20:31):
ziyan ☮ says (20:31):
two small tails is it!
ziyan ☮ says (20:31):
sokkhoong says (20:31):
what snail
sokkhoong says (20:31):
sokkhoong says (20:31):
ziyan ☮ says (20:31):


- 18:20
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My sister wants me to blog about these amazingously deformed unique biscuits.

But that is not the point of my post.

Today, my thumb died. O:

Gross or not?

Lol. But! Joleen's magic skin patch came to the rescue!

It's not supposed to look this gross, but being me...

Tada. It's some gauze thing you put over the area you want to protect, then you paint over with some magic solution. It stang like crazy since I already injured myself before the thing could protect my poor thumb.

Lol but it was damn cool and it felt nice, like my thumb suddenly has this layer of armour over it! :D I am going to get one for myself.

And I need to re-plug Bokbok. The inserts are so horribly tight. Well they were tight from the start but stupidly, I didn't know how to go and get new inserts. I shall go get them during the holidays. Now I have to rely on Bok. Ack I needa do push-ups ):

74 (HAHA I was experimenting with Bokbok.)
136 (sparing spree! spare open spare spare spare spare spare open spare open)

Eh I think I missed out one O: Nevermind.

$2.20 per game 'cause Joleen's cousin's a member (went to HomeTeam NS). So $15.40 for me O: I owe her 20c! Niania I never spent so much at a go on bowling before HAHA. I want/need private coaching!! Forget about having a 2nd CCA. I'd rather spend my time on private coaching lol.

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- 14:01
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Your Birthdate: April 10

Independent and dominant, you tend to be the alpha dog in most situations.
You're very confident, and hardly anything ever shakes you.
Mundane tasks tend to drain you - you prefer to be making great plans.
You are quite original. When people don't "get" you, it bothers you a lot.

Your strength: Your ability to gain respect

Your weakness: Caring too much what others think

Your power color: Orange-red high amounts of reducing sugars present o.o

Your power symbol: Letter X

Your power month: October EXAM PERIOD!!!

You Are 6: The Loyalist

You have strong relationships and are intensely loyal.
People find you easy to love and care for.

You like your world to be stable and secure, no surprises.
You're cautious. You prefer your inner circle to the outside world.

At Your Best: You are courageous, a positive thinker, and expressive. You can take on the world.

At Your Worst: You are secretly insecure - which makes you sarcastic, cold, and argumentative.

Your Fixation: Doubt

Your Primary Fear: Abandonment

Your Primary Desire: Security and support

Other Number 6's: Mel Gibson, Woody Allen, Jay Leno, Marilyn Monroe, and Julia Roberts.


- 13:57
I'm such a disaster.
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I accidentally dropped a plastic bowl into the sink, and it caused a glass plate to shatter into literally 100 pieces. -.-


19 October 2008 - 23:15
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I learnt something new today.


Joleen is going to laugh at me when she sees this O:

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- 16:26
Kena again!
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Since Eunice tagged me I shall do just the first part of the quiz for her to see (if she even comes here at all) because I got tagged by Ding

1. The person who tag/pass you is?

2. Your relationship with him/her?

3. Your five impressions of him/her?
a) she's mad pretty hyper.
b) loves her church friends
c) loves bowling! :D
d) girly hahah.
e) fair ;D

4. The most memorable thing he/she had done for you?
Being my teammate. All the fuddy duddy things we did in bowling last time hahahaha!

5. The most memorable thing he/she has said to you?
Oh no I forgot O:

6. If he/she becomes your lover, you will?
We're straight.

7. If he/she became your enemy, you will?
Nah that won't happen.

8. If he/she became your enemy, the reason will be?

9. What nickname would you give her?
Uh none.

10. The most desired thing you want to do for him/her is?
Join HC Bowling together!

11. Your overall impression of him/her is?
Really nice person :D

Yeah. There. Lalala. I'm sian, and no one wants to talk to me, as usual.


- 14:03
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Maybe I'll stop going online. There's not much point, anyway.

By the way, new game.
Heh. My highscore's 264940 with 40 images. Bleh.

Now I must pack my room. And throw physics away.


18 October 2008 - 23:41
Stupid mozzies
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Keep biting me. I've lots of mosquito bites now. My room is like some insect park. Yucks. Go away go away go away!!

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- 20:59
Shopping trip
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With my ah yi :D

Hm I bought 1 top, 2 bottoms, a pair of earrings and a set of 3 CDs.
And of course, I got to eat nice food at Akashi Japanese Restaurant and Spagheddies (both at Paragon basement) for brunch and dinner respectively.

I shall post a pretty photo of the pretty earrings.


Bought at some Brands Sale in Ngee Ann City for $6.00.


Haha my top is nice. It's cute. It's GREEN!! I shall go listen to my CD now :D


17 October 2008 - 23:29
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I don't have the song, sadly, but I found these lyrics.

Let's Go Bowling by Arrogant Worms
Well grab your shoes, and grab your balls
And lets head to those heavenly halls
Sit on down and grab a beer
Because bowling time is pretty near
Tortured men forget their pain
When they head to the bowling lane
Let's go bowling
Let's go bowling, got a coupon
Let's go bowling, for a free game
Let's go bowling
Let's go bowling, let's go bowling
Let's do it now
Because Wrestlemania's fine by me
Monster trucks are a sight to see
A cultured life, that's nice and all
But there ain't nothing better than a bowling ball
You know the sport that God would choose
Is the one with the three-tone leather-sole shoes
Let's go bowling
Let's go bowling, got a coupon
Let's go bowling, from a juice can
Let's go bowling
Let's go bowling, let's go bowling
Let's do it now
Yes bowling! The sport of kings! The sport of queens!
The sport of dukes...Earls...Bos...Johns...anything that
looks good when it's embroidered on a polyester shirt.
And you know, bowling takes on this almost religious
significance because it's so much like a religion.
I mean the ball is round, like the earth, and it's got
the holy trinity: the Father, the Son, and the..
Thumbhole. And as you roll the ball down the alley of
life...Striking out the pagan religions of the past...
Sparing them the anguish of their lives in the gutter...
Framing their existence in an eternal metaphysicalness
something like a 7-10 split!
We'll be bowling in Moosejaw (yeah, yeah)
We'll be bowling in Hickton (yeah, yeah)
We'll be bowling in Gander (yeah, yeah)
And in the Kingston Township (yeah, yeah)
We'll be bowling Vancouver, bowling Saskatoon
Someday they'll even be bowling on the moon
I said yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
Let's go bowling
Let's go bowling, got a coupon
Let's go bowling, for free shoes
Let's go bowling
Let's go bowling, let's go bowling
Let's do it now

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- 22:31
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Things to do after EOYs
1. Go running and DO SIT UPS (I can't do sit-ups for my life bah). And push-ups. I haven't been exercising since months ago )< Maybe I can go to the gym at Eunice's condo!
2. Go bowling!! I needa bowl desperatelyyyyyy.
3. Go to some quiet place and slack around and think about my year.
4. Expand MoMo's family. MoMo has a girlfriend now, her name is MuMu.
5. Prettify MuMu.
6. Train harder for taekwondo (I want my black meh).
7. Throw physics away!!! YES DONE WAHAHAHA.
8. Get a job.
9. Learn German/sign language (or something)!
10. Think about what else I can/should do to my hair. Nah I think I'm gonna leave it hahah.
11. PACK MY ROOM it looks like a rubbish dump wth.
12. Think about whether I really want 2 CCAs in JC.
13. Learn guitar.

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- 22:25
I like this song.
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Sea of Love by Daze
Don't you never let me go
Don't you ever let it show
I will cry in the Sea Of Love
The stars will always shine
And I'm gonna make you mine, tonight
Tonight (repeat x2)

I belive in rainy weather, some days (haaaah)
But when I'm down and feeling blue,
you come and say:
Have you ever really seen the rainbow
Have you ever really touched the blue blue sky
Have you ever really seen a falling star
Here me cry tonight

Don't you never let me go
Don't you ever let it show
I will cry in the Sea Of Love
The stars will always shine
And I'm gonna make you mine tonight
I want you, I need you
And my heart is beating softly baby
If you leave me, deceive me
I will never see the sun rise again

Never fear what love can do
To you
'Cause I belive we'll find a way
This I say to you:
Have you ever really seen the rainbow
Have you ever really touched the blue blue sky
Have you ever really seen a falling star
Here me cry tonight

Don't you never let me go
Don't you ever let it show
I will cry in the Sea Of Love
The stars will always shine
And I'm gonna make you mine tonight
I want you, I need you
And my heart is beating softly baby
If you leave me, deceive me
I will never see the sun rise again
(Sea Of Love) x 2

Have you ever really seen the rainbow
Have you ever really touched the blue blue sky
Have you ever really seen a falling star
Here me cry tonight

Don't you never let me go
Don't you ever let it show
I will cry in the Sea Of Love
The stars will always shine
And I'm gonna make you mine tonight
I want you, I need you
And my heart is beating softly baby
If you leave me, deceive me
I will never see the sun rise again


- 21:02
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Lol cannot go alone, they've scary artworks (that we don't understand but nevermind that, it's still scary).

Okay that's not the point. Qiao Yan and I want to go and we think we should get more people. So, yes who wants to go? :D

Venues here. (:

More info at http://www.singaporebiennale.org/


- 17:32
Wah die
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99, 99, 74 -.-

Okay the 74 one I was trying to figure the problem with my slide. I CANNOT SLIDE PROPERLY I realised. My foot always ends up pointing left and so my ball will follow and go left -.- Something wrong with the other leg. Eeyur.

I REALLY NEED TO DO PUSH UPS. I should do like 10 every day. Or maybe more. Yes. Rah rah rah rah rah!!

Oh my oh my Novice Challenge is next Saturday. Joleen!!!! D: D: D:

Oh yeah the sole of my shoe is dropping out. First was the right shoe, now it's the left -.-

Who wants to buy me a new pair for christmas? :D


16 October 2008 - 23:34
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People Really Like You!

You're simply a great person, and most people who meet you realize it right away.
You're kind, interesting, outgoing, friendly, and polite.
Your friends are lucky to know you. You're a joy to be around.
You are definitely well liked by almost everyone. You're a very popular person!

What People Like About You:

People like that you can defend what you believe in calmly and rationally. You stand your ground and gain respect.

People like that you give them complements. You make people feel good about themselves!

People like your self deprecating sense of humor and that you don't take yourself too seriously.


- 18:02
Thank you
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So, here're some people I'd like to thank for helping me out during the exam period!

No. 1 is the one I'd like to thank the most, the rest are not in any particular order.

Ding Jie
He answered all of my 十万个为什么s about chemistry, biology, math and physics (yes I mean everything). I think I owe him a really big thank you (though I doubt he'll see this). He probably wasn't able to slack in peace because of me, so,

Great for talking to about biology, and keeping me awake by talking nonsense with me, and trying to motivate me with electromotive force (which proved ineffective, but thanks, still!).

for helping me with physics especially, and motivating me to mug physics! On Monday night, he told me "last 14 hours of physics" and then I suddenly 一股冲动 (and became damn motivated) and started mugging physics HAHAHA. Thanks, dude!

Zi Yan
for asking me lots of questions and therefore forcing me to study/revise (HAHA).

Of course,
My Mama
for giving me 鸡精 to drink every morning! And digging out some protractor for me at the last minute (LOL).

for sending me to school this morning!

MoMo, MuMu, GuGu, GaGa and BaBa
for providing me with much amusement over the exam period.
Of course they will continue to provide me with more amusement.

Not forgetting everyone else who helped and encouraged me along the way, thank you all! I guess EOYs aren't that bad after all, they gave me something to do every day e.g. MUG. Well at least I had something to do. Now I have nothing to do, it's quite sianning.

That aside.

Another short chapter of my life is coming to an end. I should go think about it, what I did in these 4 years, what I gained (although I keep saying that I really dislike this place and that it sucks), what I learnt. No, I won't miss it (not that much, anyway), but surely, 我没有这样白白地过了四年吧?


Now, I need to watch tv pack my table.

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- 16:54
Another one!
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- 14:28
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HAHAHA DANG FUN OKAY. The bug is damn funny!


- 12:44
More quizzes HAHAH.
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Your Expression Number is 4

Practical and down to earth - everything in your life is organized.
You are a great writer and teacher. You never forget a detail.
Very patient, you have the ability to cultivate talents in difficult fields.

You also tend to have an artistic side. You'd make a great architect or classical musician.
You face your responsibilities with a positive attitude - and you always get things done.
You are serious, sincere, honest, and faithful.

Sometimes your strong sense of responsibility leads to frustration.
You also tend to develop strong likes and dislikes, which border on dogmatism.
At you're worst, you can be a dominant disciplinarian.

4 shall be my new lucky number.

What People Think of Your Mouth

People see you both as reserved and sweet.
You tend to be very sensitive and detail oriented.
The smallest things can please or annoy you. You tend to be internally moody.
Perceptive and intuitive, you understand people quickly - though you usually won't tell them.


Your Element Is Air

You dislike conflict, and you've been able to rise above the angst of the world.
And when things don't go your way, you know they'll blow over quickly.

Easygoing, you tend to find joy from the simple things in life.
You roll with the punches, and as a result, your life is light and cheerful.

You find it easy to adapt to most situations, and you're an open person.
With you, what you see is what you get... and people love that!

Yea yea :D

You Are a Comma

You are open minded and extremely optimistic.
You enjoy almost all facets of life. You can find the good in almost anything.

You keep yourself busy with tons of friends, activities, and interests.
You find it hard to turn down an opportunity, even if you are pressed for time.

Your friends find you fascinating, charming, and easy to talk to.
(But with so many competing interests, you friends do feel like you hardly have time for them.)

You excel in: Inspiring people

You get along best with: The Question Mark

Hahaha o.o

Okay that's all for now. I'll go think of other ways to amuse myself. :D


- 12:42
Gone with EOYs
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Math paper 2 was okay, though I didn't answer about 8 marks worth of questions. Hahah oh well. I'll pass. (:


15 October 2008 - 14:09
How could I forget?
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14. Learn guitar. HAHA someone is supposed to teach me ;)


14 October 2008 - 20:15
Gosh I'm slow!
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- 17:51
Multiple intelligences
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HAHA kinesthetic suddenly 100%?

And I'm lazy to post about the rest of the days. About uh. Graz. Hahah. I'll post more pictures when I feel like it! :D


- 17:28
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I've been telling myself that I'll get A1, I'll pass, so on so forth, even for all the subjects I'm really horrible in e.g. physics, chinese, IH. Well seems I'm the only one who does that, many other people around me keep thinking/telling themselves they're going to fail/not do well and stuff.

Maybe I really am not going to do very well, considering I didn't study as much for this one, final exam. But I keep telling myself that I'll pass. Am I really encouraging myself; will I really do well? Or am I just deceiving myself?

Is it better to face the facts, or play pretend?


- 11:57
Cause for celebration
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I shall have nothing more to do with physics for the rest of my life, HAHA. I'm so happy I'm so happy I'm so happy!

Oh yeah one more thing to add to my list of things to do after EOYs:

13. Do push ups, or whatever else that can train arm muscles. I CAN'T LIFT BOKBOK NOW HAIYOH. Lousy. Must train! I should go to the gym at Eunice's condo or something, though I doubt I eventually will.

Okay. I'm going to celebrate now. -throws confetti-

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13 October 2008 - 22:28
Of physics and pressure.
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sokkhoong says (22:25):
tell me about pressure
4____[[d.i.n.g.] Haiku to the vast oceans says (22:26):
It causes stress

✈ ziyan says (22:29):


- 18:00
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The questions are designed to trick you. -.- Like,

Cytosine forms 40% of the nitrogenous bases in a sample of DNA; what percentage of the bases is thymine?
A 10%
B 20%
C 40%
D 60%

Cheat or not?

But I didn't get tricked, ha. Well, almost did.

Okay, some people didn't find it very cheat but I found it quite cheat. I think it's just me, I'm very easy to cheat. ):

Paper 2 was basically 7 10-mark questions. I nearly couldn't finish the paper. Left one 1-mark question blank though, but I don't think it matters.

Ah well. Bio's over. I think I won't do too badly.

Next up: PHYSICS!!!!

Shaun came to attempt to save my physics but (sadly) to not much avail. I think he nearly died trying to explain d.c. motor and other random stuffs like how voltage in parallel circuit is the same. -.- Gosh I feel such an idiot. Physics is the one and only subject that can make me feel like that. Even getting 9/25 for IH isn't so demoralising. Okay, at least he succeeded in letting me understand -.-

My brother says he waste noodles. Tskkkkk.

Anyway, he spent 90% of the time playing with his PSP so stop getting funny ideas and being 白痴 like Ding Jie.

Oh ya he kept eating my ah yi's scones. Eat and eat and eat. Says they're ADDICTIVE lol! I told my mama he likes it, keep eating, she said "then eat more". I was like -.-!! and Shaun was damn happy, eat and eat -.- He ate like, 6 or something? I think if my mama said can bring the whole container home he will lor.

Aiyah. I will pass physics. I will finish my MCQ and I will finish Paper 2. I will do magic. I shall be a miracle tomorrow!

Now, to plough through physics notes ):

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12 October 2008 - 22:43
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2 more days!!!!!

LOL don't care math la, not much memory work. HAHAHAHAHA I'M HAPPY :D :D :D :D :DDDD

I think I sound like some insane pig.


- 21:23
Someone should get me this.
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Liu Yi and I figured we were getting way to serious studying.
So, introducing, the 'G' series!!

This is GuGu.

This is GuGu's girlfriend, GaGa.

† ky-fication! gaiety says (21:31):
you are MAD
† ky-fication! gaiety says (21:31):
srsly LOL

Thus shown, exams make people mad.

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- 19:36
This is it
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Biology, physics, math paper 2. Then that's it. Last lap. I will not fail myself. I will do well for biology and I WILL PASS 65% FOR PHYSICS EOY. And I will pass math.

I will. I must.


11 October 2008 - 23:52
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- 20:54
Yea yea yea.
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striked - done.
italic - touched.
red - not in paper 2

Integrated Mathematics
Higher weightage (present in both papers)
-Indices, Surds & Logarithms and Exponential functions

Appearing once in paper 1 or 2:
-Permutations & Combinations
-Binomial Theorem
-Sets & Venn Diagrams
-Completing the Square

-Vectors & Scalars
-Dynamics (Newton's 3 Laws, Forces)
-Turning Effect of Forces
-Energy, Work & Power

-Kinetic Model of Matter
-Effects of Thermal Energy
-Transfer of Thermal Energy

Optics & Waves:
-Electromagnetic Waves Spectrum

-Static Electricity
-Current Electricity
-Practical Electricity

Magnetism & Electromagnetism:
-Electromagnetic Induction

-Diffusion, Osmosis & Active Transport
-Animal Nutrition
-Plant Nutrition
-Transport in Plants
-Transport in Man
-Coordination & Response in Man (hormones, nervous system, eye)
-Cell Division
-Reproduction in Plants
-Reproduction in Man
-Genetics & Genetic Engineering, Structure of DNA, Central Dogma


- 17:51
Meet MuMu
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Yes, they're posing on a box of MoMo's favourite food.

MuMu needs a makeover.

✈ ziyan says (17:54):
MoMo is handsome. HAHAHA.



- 17:36
Things to do after EOYs
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In no particular order:
1. Go running and DO SIT UPS (I can't do sit-ups for my life!!). I haven't been exercising since months ago )<
2. Go bowling!! I needa bowl desperatelyyyyyy.
3. Go to some quiet place and slack around and think about my year.
4. Expand MoMo's family. MoMo has a girlfriend now, her name is MuMu.
5. Prettify MuMu.
6. Train harder for taekwondo (I want my black meh).
7. Throw physics away!!!
8. Get a job.
9. Learn German/sign language (or something)!
10. Think about what else I can/should do to my hair.
11. PACK MY ROOM it looks like a rubbish dump wth.
12. Think about whether I really want 2 CCAs in JC.

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- 14:37
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You are the analytical thinker.
Your talent and creativity are obvious to those around you. You appreciate beauty and are sensitive to the feelings of others. You scheduled, organized life matches your need for order. Although you make friends cautiosly, you are faithful and dedicated to those you have. Your suspicions and insecurities are not unfounded and are sometimes misinterpreted as being self-centered. But, have these people seen the news lately?
Lol this is true. Well, quite.

You are: The Lovable Eyes
She is Spontaneous, Smooth, and Loving. She is what most guys want to find, date, and marry. That simple. She’s adorable, cute, sexy, innocent, easy-going, friendly, and fun to be around. Pretty much the perfect companion. She’s delicate and needs to be handled with loving hands, and there won’t be any shortage of guys willing to handle her. In a relationship, there is only one rule with the Lovable Eyes- Don’t F*** Up. That’s it. Don’t cheat on her, don’t lie to her, don’t mistreat or abuse her, and she will be yours for a lifetime.
Erm -.-

You love to organize and keep everything in it's place. You are great at knowing how things work and making sure everything is going smoothly. You are a planner and an innovator who would make a good travel agent or office manager. You are a boss's dream employee!
Woah? YES I CAN MULTI-LEARN TOO. Like learn repro in plants, genetic engineering and chemical bonding at the same time -.-


10 October 2008 - 13:58
Math Paper 1
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Though it was pretty ok, just got stuck at some funny trigo question. I don't think I'll do too badly. Yeah.

Went for HCI's open house, lol their goodie bag's got a lot of things inside, including 2 glue sticks, NEWater and a blank DVD. Hahahahaha.

Sleepy. I'll slack awhile, sleep, then wake up to study biology.

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- 05:17
Haiyo ah.
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I'm mad already lor I tell you. I'm supposed to wake up at 0545, but today I woke up at what, 0445? By myself summore. My alarm was set for 0545. -.- I'm so bored I'm going to play with Baba for 5 minutes then I'm going to study bio. Hahahahah.


09 October 2008 - 20:52
When you're bored and don't want to study
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You Are a Fist

Your life philosophy can be summed up as, “Life fast. Die young.”
Your greatest wish is to have a life of passion and excitement.

And while you don't want to die young, you rather take risks than stay home and be afraid.
You are inspired and inspiring. You live each day like it's your last.

You Have Your Emotions in Check

You are an incredibly stable and happy person.
Ever consider being a therapist?
You have figured out how to keep a positive outlook, no matter what.
You don't have an easier life than anyone else. You just have figured things out a little more.

You Are 70% Grown Up, 30% Kid

Congratulations, you are definitely quite emotionally mature.
Although you have your moments of moodiness, you're usually stable and level headed.
So what if you're not perfect? You accept your faults and try to fix them.
People appreciate your reasoned and calm approach to life.



- 20:48
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I intended to sleep from 1320 to 1430, but ended up waking only at 1530 ==

Gosh, my 1 hour! ):


- 16:00
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Your Personality Profile

You are nurturing, kind, and lucky.
Like mother nature, you want to help everyone.
You are good at keeping secrets and tend to be secretive.

A seeker of harmony, you are a natural peacemaker.
You are good natured and people enjoy your company.
You put people at ease and make them feel at home with you.

You Are Having a Blue Day

Today is the kind of day that challenges you to the core. You're going to have to stay cool.
You have the intelligence, skills, and drive to rise to the occasion. Your mind is sharp.

While things may be a bit chaotic, you are still taking the time to reflect and be calm.
Today you are extra attractive and interesting to people. You are giving off a detached vibe, which is very intriguing.


- 11:59
Chemistry exam
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I made a hell lotta careless mistakes. -.- But I will still get my A1. Yes.

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08 October 2008 - 20:41
Ok, let's face it.
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You Are a Pig

You are very intelligent, and you enjoy being around people. You can trust others easily.
You have great reasoning skills, and you are quick learner. You are able to adapt to most situations.

You tend to be very territorial and picky. You don't like people messing with your stuff.
You have keen senses and reflexes. You can defend yourself well and quickly sense danger.


- 16:23
Horrible 老天爷
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There was a really terrible thunderstorm just now. My brother got so scared by the thunder (and lightning) he ran into my room and glued his fingers to his ears. When he wanted to do his homework he used his left upper arm to cover his left ear, then the arm 绕 over the head and use the finger to cover the right ear, then use the right hand to write. -.-

Haha the 打雷 and the 闪电 were like every few seconds, damn irritating -.- (and damn scary!!!) I wanted to blog about this horrible rain, then the 老天爷看我不爽, the moment I opened the Blogger webpage, there was a short circuit -.-

Outside 白茫茫, like the window 铺上 tracing paper liddat -.-

So we went to off all the stuff at home and fixed the thing.

10 seconds later, black out again. -.-

So irritating, we offed everything and decided to leave it. Yeah my brother went to turn my laptop on again so the thing just switched off twice while it was still working, I think it's conky now. Bleh.

My sister got stuck outside cannot come home 'cause the rain too heavy. She asked me to go and pick her but I said wait a while until the rain gets a little lighter, then she decided that since sitting at some void deck across the road would make her equally as wet as if she ran home, she ran home. LOL.

Haha so the storm got further and further away...

Then 雨过天晴, like nothing happened liddat. -.-

And this is 我小时候最喜欢吃的东西!!!

Haha er, green-headed duck. And the icing on the wrong side of the biscuit.

My sister asked me to post this.

Lol the right one is uh, distorted.

Failed attempt to take a photo of yesterday night's pretty moon. ):


- 14:46
Chinese paper 2
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HAHAHA I SPENT 50 MINUTES-1 HOUR DOING THE LAST COMPRE. Heng I started doing from the back after completing 综合填空, if not sure die. I'll pass. Yes I will.

7 days and 2h 30min to end of EOYs.

I think I'm the only one so excited about EOYs. Haha haha haha I'm excited! It's ending!!

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07 October 2008 - 22:23
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Forgive me for being slow, but I've just realised today's not just the last day we're ever gonna have lessons in Nanyang, but also the last day we're going to have lessons as a class. And this is going to be the only reason I'll feel nostalgic.

I think that, although we haven't been particularly bonded as a class, but we're not 散 either. I like the way we are, happy and all, talking lots of nonsense to everybody. There're the small things that bring us together, though. Like Graces camp. And playing captain's ball as a class. And like Zi Yan said, this EOYs helped a little too, I guess, since we're like asking people questions everywhere hahaha. Probably nothing much, but I felt that these small things were sufficient to show that well, we're still together.

Hahah I'll miss the times we all (or most, at least) never listened in class during like, IH especially, and then we all slowly grew to love Mrs Ng (and her unborn baby maybe hahaha) because we realised she's so nice.

I can't exactly explain why, but I like 405. More than 207 (not that I've ever really liked it, anyway, but that doesn't matter). After all, I still get to feel included, despite being one of the last few to be picked to join a floorball team during PE. I've a wider circle of friends here, I don't feel discriminated against (way better than in 207, man, heh).

Yeah. I had a great 2 years with my class. A few years down the road, and I probably may not remember some people already, but I'll miss my class, for a while, at least.

Thanks 405 (I'm not sure even half the class will read this but never mind), for letting me spend my last 2 years happily :D It was all subconsious or something, I guess.

Now this is the last lap. Just one week. We'll pull through this.


- 20:48
Ranking time.
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According to me (from best to worst):

According to no. of marks I've to get to achieve an A1:
Chemistry (69)
Math (73)
LA (74) (Surprise, surprise. I'm shocked.)
Physics (75) (LOL WTH DOUBLESHOCK. Aiyah, pulled up by SIA.)
Biology (79) (Stupid SPA, pulled me down crazy.)
IH (82) (Hahah, it's not last!!!)
Chinese (88) (Win already. Forget about A1 -.-)

Oh yeah, I got high distinction for National Australian Chemistry Quiz, 28/30 correct hahah (: (: (: Not to suan anyone so please don't feel upset/offended or anything...
Hahah you know this girl from 404 (is it?) got FULL MARKS lol and she got a plaque! Cool eh xD I also want. Aw.

Hahah okay watch tv/study time. Bye bye.


- 00:06
Down to 1-digit
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Chem lesson. And maybe math lesson. Tomorrow. Hahah. Aw. My lessons are gradually ending one by one. Oh last chinese lesson today. Or maybe not, since there're intensive chinese lessons after our EOYs to prepare for the what, O Level Higher Chinese papers.
Oh last bio lesson today. Last physics lesson also.

Oh. All finished already. Okay. These are the last of the lessons I'll ever have in Nanyang. Tomorrow's the last day. And the slackest one at that. Math, PE, Chem, SIL (free period I think/hope), IH, contact time.

Yeah. That's it. 完了。真的完了。

And yes, down to 1-digit. 9 days to freedom. I will study, even if I don't want to. I will pass my EOYs. I will get into HCI. I will get msg 2.0.

Because my conscience says so.

*Reminder to self: do a random poll on my childishness (inspired by Joshua, HAHAHAHAHA). From 1-10, 10 being the most childish. I think I'll get things like 20/10 or 200/10. HAHA oh well. I'm a kid at heart!

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06 October 2008 - 17:59
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Dieeee I just wasted my whole afternoon trying to solve my brother's 4x4 rubik's cube!!! -.- -.- -.- And no I'm still not even halfway through -.- Eeyur!!

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05 October 2008 - 15:21
Think think think.
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sokkhoong says (15:20):
eh i dno what to study now
sokkhoong says (15:21):
i think i think i know when i actually dont know
✈ ziyan says (15:21):
i think i think i know when i actually dont know.
✈ ziyan says (15:21):
your neurons are... screwed.
✈ ziyan says (15:21):
make you think think think that you know
sokkhoong says (15:21):

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- 15:03
How strange
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Yesterday I had this dream about Ding Jie, Wayne, Cherylyn (all my ex-schoolmates/classmates -.-), myself and someone from my class. Think Zi Yan or Cai Tong? Aiya it was damn weird, I had this bandage or something around me knee and I couldn't walk properly, then Ding Jie was getting irritated 'cause I was walking so slowly HAHAHA. Then I dunno where Wayne appeared from. Then some stuff happened and we somehow appeared in a house. Big house. And Cherylyn popped out of nowhere. Then Ding Jie was climbing up the ulu stairs to some ulu attic which was dark and scary. I got scared so I went back down. After that I woke up cos my mama was calling me -.-

LOL strange dream. I also didn't know wth was going on -.-


04 October 2008 - 23:50
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sokkhoong says (23:43):
HAHAHA ziyan loves momo
✈ ziyan says (23:44):
✈ ziyan says (23:44):
✈ ziyan says (23:44):
not ziyan
✈ ziyan says (23:44):
sokkhoong says (23:44):
sokkhoong says (23:44):
parker loves momo
✈ ziyan says (23:44):
sokkhoong says (23:44):
ziyan loves parker
sokkhoong says (23:44):
parker loves momo
sokkhoong says (23:44):
therefore ziyan loves momo!!
sokkhoong says (23:44):
this is called erm
sokkhoong says (23:44):
law of conservation of
sokkhoong says (23:44):
sokkhoong says (23:44):
✈ ziyan says (23:44):
sokkhoong says (23:44):
✈ ziyan says (23:44):
✈ ziyan says (23:44):
ai wu ji wu?
✈ ziyan says (23:44):
sokkhoong says (23:45):
simi wu simi wu
sokkhoong says (23:45):
you dun wu momo
sokkhoong says (23:45):

✈ ziyan says (23:45):
✈ ziyan says (23:45):
sokkhoong says (23:45):
you dun 乌 momo!!
✈ ziyan says (23:45):
✈ ziyan says (23:45):
sokkhoong says (23:45):
✈ ziyan says (23:45):
then what,
✈ ziyan says (23:45):
i like momo, momo like parker,
✈ ziyan says (23:45):
so i like parker?HAHA..
sokkhoong says (23:45):
✈ ziyan says (23:46):
then i can 乌 parker
sokkhoong says (23:46):
LOL why you so bad to parker!
sokkhoong says (23:46):
tsk ziyan
✈ ziyan says (23:46):
haha. the wu is supposed to be bad meh!
✈ ziyan says (23:46):
✈ ziyan says (23:46):
parker knows me too well and loves me too much; he knows i mean no harm
sokkhoong says (23:46):
i dunno. nobody likes 乌鸦
✈ ziyan says (23:46):
✈ ziyan says (23:47):
✈ ziyan says (23:47):
parker likes
✈ ziyan says (23:47):
✈ ziyan says (23:47):
beetles are his friends
✈ ziyan says (23:47):
lizards too!
sokkhoong says (23:47):
sokkhoong says (23:47):
sokkhoong says (23:47):
you can 爱屋及乌
✈ ziyan says (23:47):
he eats his friends O:
sokkhoong says (23:47):
sokkhoong says (23:47):
oh my why you let parker eat such nonsense
✈ ziyan says (23:47):
✈ ziyan says (23:47):
he said he like leh
✈ ziyan says (23:47):
sokkhoong says (23:48):

sokkhoong says (23:59):
my sister say the airplane crash into ziyan
sokkhoong says (23:59):
✈ ziyan says (00:01):
✈ ziyan says (00:01):
✈ ziyan says (00:01):
✈ ziyan says (00:01):
✈ ziyan says (00:01):
✈ ziyan says (00:01):
tell her ahmeh is not cute anymore
sokkhoong says (00:01):
neh cos your nick got the airplane what
sokkhoong says (00:01):
she say nehmind la
sokkhoong says (00:01):
sokkhoong says (00:02):
then she hit my head!
✈ ziyan says (00:02):
✈ ziyan says (00:02):
how old ah. 9?


My sister is 14, btw.


- 23:22
Ah Meh
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I was eating peanut pancake and then I thought of the urinary bladder. And its cells and urea. -.- Why don't they die or something, with all the urea in the pee in the bladder?

Okay anyway, my sister has a Tigger.

Back legs cannot touch the ground (just like me!). Hind legs too small!!

It's called Ah Meh.

This inspired me to dig out my small box of small soft toys!

Tada!! So cosy.

In the meantime, Tigger Ah Meh was having a secret meeting with MoMo.

Shuddap, I know MoMo is tiny.

After that, MoMo and Ah Meh decided to turn it into a huge gathering.

Okay fine, not that big.

Froggy wanted to join in the gathering!

But uh, he couldn't see properly.


- 14:50
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I forgot about Hui Qing. She was so retarded yesterday morning. HAHA she announced that she thought of new names for herself.

"Happy (Hui Qing), hot, hippy...hallelujah! ..." (couldn't think of any more)
"Ok let's try 'Poh'. Pretty........" (couldn't think of any more (too)) "-.-"

-.- Lol so spas.

During physics lesson this bird flew into our class from outside and flew out the window facing the quadrangle/classroom block. Stupid Sarah Siau (ALLITERATION HAHAHAHA) (zomg she's gonna kill me if she sees this) started screaming first, then she scared the rest of the class -.- Hui Qing also damn pro la, the bird flew past right in front of us, then I don't know whether she got scared or whether she did it on purpose, but she suddenly went "AAAAAAHHHH!!", then Yu Xin and I got scared by her and we also "AAAAAAHHHHHH!!"-ed!!! -.- -.- -.- -.-

Lol I think I'm gonna get quite some amusement for the next 2 school days before the rest of EOYs commence. 也好,I can spend the last of my mugging days laughing at Hui Qing (LOL).

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- 12:35
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LA: 74/100 for A1
HC: 87/100 for A1
IM: 74/100 for A1
CH: 68/100 for A1
IH: 75/100 for B3 (I think. HAHAHAHAHAHA.)

Woah, LA and IM same? Surprise surprise. Either my math deproved or my LA improved or uh, both. Although I don't know how/why my LA can improve at all.

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03 October 2008 - 16:37
New hair!
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I cut my hair today. Told the hairdresser to cut until somewhere around the collar, so he cut cut cut cut until it was at the collar. I don't know whether it was me but he was like blur-blur and didn't seem to understand what I was saying and I also couldn't understand what he was saying (didn't sound like a local). No, he didn't stop there, he continued trimming and trimming and trimming until no end. So now, my hair is 1 inch above the collar and gosh I feel like a fishball. Well I was blind and oblivious to what he was doing with my hair 'cause I didn't have my glasses on so...yeah. -.- Meh.

But still, there are pros and cons to everything! And we must be positive like cations. See right, with such terribly horribly horrendously amazingously short hair,
1. my hair won't take so long to dry in the morning. Or at any other time, for that matter;
2. I don't need to bother with tying it up;
3. Ms Lee won't/CANNOT complain my hair is too short (actually she did complain that someone's hair was to short before but wth?!);
4. my hair will become UN-messable!! Haha I love my short hair, it's totally unmessable. :D ;
5. don't need to comb (HAHAHAHA. Okay mebbe a bit);
6. new hairstyle!! Impromptu summore.

Ok so there. Next time my hair will dry in 10 minutes.
Yes I'm not really upset and I really don't care if people think I look stupid, I think my new hair's quite cool. Not like such 'over-trimming' incidents never happened to me before. Lala.

I am happy. ^^

I think my mama will get a shock, though.

Oh yeah on the way home Wei Long appeared behind me on the bus. -.- Haha then he kept asking me questions and I just kept answering him. Then suan me say his exams over already, now go home don't know what to do. -.- I'll give him things to do by like say, pestering him 'bout physics stuffs MUAHAHAHAH. You didn't see that.

Okay, I'm off to slack for a while, then time to mug math again.


01 October 2008 - 22:18
Of education and learning.
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I really don't understand why we're studying so hard. Came across this and well thought it's pretty true.

Haha, study and study and study, then what? Get into HCI, go into university, maybe, get a PhD, maybe, then you work the rest of your life away until you retire, get your CPF or whatever, and die.

How sad.

What's up with money, anyway? I mean like after becoming a doctor/dentist/lawyer/whatever other job and earning so much money, you don't get to bring them with you into your grave, anyway.

I think we're just conforming to society's demands. The government insists that we have at lesat 6 years of primary education, to prepare us for a knowledge-based economy, blah blah. How many of us really, truly want to study because we want to study? I mean in the first place, your parents enrol you (probably, possibly) partly because it's a crime to not enrol your kid for primary education or something like that, I'm not sure.

And let's say, we really want to study and learn anyway. I don't see how our education system is helping. Hey man, check out all the tests and exams.
According to MOE:
Singapore's education system aims to nurture every child and help all students discover their talents, realise their full potential, and develop a passion for life-long learning. We want to nurture in our young the willingness to think in new ways, solve problems and create new opportunities for the future. Equally important, we want to help our young acquire sound values and develop the strength of character to deal with future challenges. National Education aims to foster strong bonds among students and develop in them a deep sense of belonging and commitment to family, community and country.
Teaching will be focused on developing understanding, critical thinking and the ability to ask questions and seek solutions.

Can I say they've failed?

A more accurate representation by a certain someone whom I will not name:
Teaching will be focused on developing the ability to memorise large amounts of text from the textbook, regurgitate thinking and facts from the textbook and the ability to ask questions but not question the answer given.

Albert Einstein:
It is a miracle that curiosity survives formal education.

Look I mean, we're learning things that the school wants us to learn. We're learning things that others want us to learn. We're not learning things that we want to learn. Why should learning be inclusive of numerous tests and examinations anyway? Dictionary.com defines learning as "the act or process of acquiring knowledge or skill". Now which part of it mentions assessment?

And anyway, to "...ask questions and seek solutions". Really? Why don't we all try asking our teachers why 1+1=2 and see what they say?

"Studying is the cage that locks up our curiousity and inspiration."

So tell me the purpose and use of education. To point back to and accuse where all our suffering came from- education (What A Joke, Ha Ha). To turn us into human resources to be exported out of Singapore as goods, simply to gain revenue for our homeland.

See, it all boils down to money.

. says (23:05):
education is so irritating
. says (23:05):
sucks the life out of us
. says (23:05):

I shall end with this:
My ambition is to be a pauper, a noob, and a 没出息的孩子.

Do I still need to study?

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- 17:19
Happy Children's Day
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to us poor folks who haven't had a Children's Day holiday since 3 years ago.
